<% dim AccessPath,connstr,conn AccessPath="../news/admin/db/#1995.mdb" connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath(AccessPath) set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open connstr %> 同志科技—SMT生産設備|PCB生産設備|半導體生産設備
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<% dim focus_rs dim focus_sql MaxList=45 if IsNumeric(request("page")) then if not isempty(request("page")) and request("page")<>"" then currentPage=cint(request("page")) else currentPage=1 end if else currentpage=1 end if set focus_rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") focus_sql="select top 14 * from article where shenghe=1 and typeid=8 order by dateandtime desc" focus_rs.open focus_sql,conn,1,1 MaxPerPage=MaxList totalPut=focus_rs.recordcount if (totalput mod maxperpage)=0 then totalpage=totalput\maxperpage else totalpage=totalput\maxperpage+1 end if if currentpage<1 then currentpage=1 if (currentpage-1)*MaxPerPage>totalput then if (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage else currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1 end if end if if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage <% if focus_rs.eof then response.Write "" else do while not focus_rs.eof and MaxPerPage>0 response.write "" response.Write("") response.Write("") MaxPerPage=MaxPerPage-1 focus_rs.movenext loop end if focus_rs.close set focus_rs=nothing %>
" response.write "  " response.Write(""&focus_rs("title")&"") response.write ""&formatdatetime(focus_rs("dateandtime"),2)&"
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<% dim focus_rss dim focus_sqls MaxList=45 if IsNumeric(request("page")) then if not isempty(request("page")) and request("page")<>"" then currentPage=cint(request("page")) else currentPage=1 end if else currentpage=1 end if set focus_rss=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") focus_sqls="select top 14 * from article where shenghe=1 and typeid=9 order by dateandtime desc" focus_rss.open focus_sqls,conn,1,1 MaxPerPage=MaxList totalPut=focus_rss.recordcount if (totalput mod maxperpage)=0 then totalpage=totalput\maxperpage else totalpage=totalput\maxperpage+1 end if if currentpage<1 then currentpage=1 if (currentpage-1)*MaxPerPage>totalput then if (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage else currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1 end if end if if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage <% if focus_rss.eof then response.Write "" else do while not focus_rss.eof and MaxPerPage>0 response.write "" response.Write("") response.Write("") MaxPerPage=MaxPerPage-1 focus_rss.movenext loop end if focus_rss.close set focus_rss=nothing %>
" response.write "  " response.Write(""&focus_rss("title")&"") response.write ""&formatdatetime(focus_rss("dateandtime"),2)&"
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<% dim focus_rsb dim focus_sqlb MaxList=45 if IsNumeric(request("page")) then if not isempty(request("page")) and request("page")<>"" then currentPage=cint(request("page")) else currentPage=1 end if else currentpage=1 end if set focus_rsb=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") focus_sqlb="select top 14 * from article where shenghe=1 and typeid=10 order by dateandtime desc" focus_rsb.open focus_sqlb,conn,1,1 MaxPerPage=MaxList totalPut=focus_rsb.recordcount if (totalput mod maxperpage)=0 then totalpage=totalput\maxperpage else totalpage=totalput\maxperpage+1 end if if currentpage<1 then currentpage=1 if (currentpage-1)*MaxPerPage>totalput then if (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage else currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1 end if end if if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage <% if focus_rsb.eof then response.Write "" else do while not focus_rsb.eof and MaxPerPage>0 response.write "" response.Write("") response.Write("") MaxPerPage=MaxPerPage-1 focus_rsb.movenext loop end if focus_rsb.close set focus_rsb=nothing %>
" response.write "  " response.Write(""&focus_rsb("title")&"") response.write ""&formatdatetime(focus_rsb("dateandtime"),2)&"
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